1 min read

Karnataka's Green Energy Push: KREDL Builds Self-Sustained Hydrogen Plant

Karnataka's Green Energy Push: KREDL Builds Self-Sustained Hydrogen Plant

Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) is spearheading the state's clean energy transition with a new 300 kW self-sustained green hydrogen plant. This pilot project, funded by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), will showcase the benefits of green hydrogen in reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

The plant will be built at either Pavagada or Kalaburagi and harness solar or wind power to produce green hydrogen. KREDL plans to initially supply green hydrogen to major industries in Bengaluru, including petrochemical refineries, fertilizer companies, and steel manufacturers.

"Green hydrogen is crucial for decarbonizing our industries," said K.P. Rudrappaiah, Managing Director of KREDL. "The transportation sector is also increasingly exploring green hydrogen as a fuel source."

While affordability remains a challenge, KREDL expects costs to decrease over time. Karnataka is also developing a dedicated green hydrogen policy focused on building production capacity, attracting green investment, and creating green jobs.

Key Points:

  • Shortened and focused on the action (building the plant)
  • Emphasizes the "self-sustained" aspect unique to the project
  • Mentions target customers to establish potential use-cases
  • Briefly summarizes the state's broader green hydrogen initiatives